It was again my crazy creative mood to do some handicrafts…that surely would be:
3….NICEEEEE)))….yani – UCN ,yani - “U CaN”.
You may hear that burga3 or burqa is a ‘khaleeji’ women’s attribute that could almost disappear if there was not be done a great work on renewing the old traditions by governmental programs on saving the heritage. Nowadays young girls tend to love burga3 more than ignore it. You can read this one private story to understand all better.
Of cause it doesn’t mean that girls wear it daily. No. But they love to have it at homes and take some cool pictures of themselves while wearing burga3 then posting them on flickr or other forums, blogs and sites or having it for national celebrations and so on.
Also this famous mini/little burga3’s bracelets and prints on T-shirts are in demand on the local market.
source of the next pic
So now i’d like to show how you can make your own mini burga3 bracelet just for entertaining yourself))
ok step 1:
i draw my idea to measure size and shape
step 2: found the materials: it was thick piece of chocolate’s pack (dark brown color) i think it would be better to replace it with a piece of any thick leather, e.x. from any old leather belt.
‘golden’ thread and nail polish to protect from getting wet; 6 crystals to decorate. that’s it.
the final look)) hope you really will like it)hehe
going to make another post about trends in emarati glamorous bracelets u’ll gona like it.
take care u all, bye))