Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tutorial. Show all posts
February 5, 2014
Traditional Emarati Breakfast: خبز الخمير Khobz Al Khameer by Chef Latifa
Khaleejia said: حلقات عن الريوق الاماراتي مع الشيف لطيفة بشكل خاص على "حياة خليجية"
طرق طبخ الاكلات الاماراتية التقليدية الشعبية
We presenting you New video series "Traditional Emarati Breakfast " with Latifa Al Masoud one of our best cook in UAE who had several programs on Sama Dubai. Chef Latifa offered her help in creating these series exclusively for our followers. We hope you will enjoy and learn a lot from these videos.
The first part telling about Khobz Al Khameer ( or Yeast Bread ). The Traditional Emarati bread that cooked at home. Once cooked, it can be served with cheese, honey, or jam. Used as sandwich or wrap.
Emarati Breakfast series will show you how to cook at your home kitchen most of the traditional dishes of UAE.
Chef Latifa presented the art of traditional cooking on Sama Dubai Tv .
& Exclusively for Khaleejia's Life
2 glass of warm water.
4 cups of flour
2 table spoons of:
-milk powder,
-ghee butter
-1 egg ( to lubricate the top of the dough before cooking)
1 tea spoon of:
Sesame seeds.
1. Add warm water to yeast mix well and leave to leavened
2. Add to the flour milk powder and salt mix well then
3 Add Kurkum and Saffron
Mix all well & add warm water.
When the dough gets well mixed and becomes sticky leave it for 30 min to ferment.
Once the dough ready, make from it ball shapes using some flour. Then flatten them and stick it to the hot metallic cake pan. Over spread some egg and sesame seeds. Place it up-side-down on the top of the deep empty hot metal pan that is placed on the fire directly and used as an oven. Leave it for about 2-4 minutes, depends on if you like to reach less or more brown bread. Chef Latifa prefers more brown. At the end put some ghee butter then serve with honey, cheese or jam.
Try it and Share your experience. And by the way, you all are welcome to ask Chef Latifa any question regarding the cooking process.
Thanks & see you soon!
August 2, 2013
Khaleejia said: Today we will enter local house to witness & share the secret of making boukhoor at home, but in the beginning, lets remember the history of perfume and boukhoor in the Khaleej. For that we did some research and even asked a grandmother (Ask Allah, make her life long and easy) who told us a long story of how it was here in the Khaleej in fact before..
History and types of the Bakhoor* (Incense)
If the pearl diving was one of the most important aspects of life in the old time, and disappeared with the passage of days due to the development of the society, there is still some semblance of life at the time, yet exist in some homes, and there are still some families who are keen to hold on to them, such as Bakhoor* incense. The incense is still used so popular today. in some homes its is used daily and and other burn incense only on special occasions.
In ancient times the incense was a manifestation of everyday life. There were many types of the incense and their use was also significant. There were incense for women and another for men, incense was different for every occasion.
The interest in incense and the way to use it goes to the Musilm doctrine, It is saying that when Prophet Mohammad ,peace be upon him, while entering city, he was greeted with aromas of burning ladan &incense as an expression of joy & happiness from welcoming Mohammad, peace be upon him.
Therefore, the use of the incense associated in people's minds with the remembrance of the Prophet, peace be upon him.
Incense for men is usually limited in choice to burning oud alone, by using burners which are made of pottery, and still this kind of bakhoor burners used so far on some occasions, though it is common to use incense burners made of copper..
Usually Oud was imported from India, men were keen to apply perfume in the holidays and before going out to pray and while gatherings. Women used the kind of incense named Al-dkhoun. Most women were knowledgeable in the way of making All-Dkhoun and know well components and proportions of each one. The home made paste composed of Saja oud and misk, amber, absorbent and after kneading it was formed in the shapes of tablets or balls.which were placed in a wicker bags attached to dresses and the remain odor stayed for always, even after washing .But this did not prevent women from burning incense at home every evening as well.
Bakhoor and smoke are considered as basic and necessary things in the Arabic houses. There are many kinds of them like Al-Hassat, Al Amber, Al-Misk and Al-Haboob.
Dakhoon al Oud - made by adding to powder of the oud tree misk , rose oil, mix of oil perfume, amber. Then all getting kneaded and small ball are shaped. They can be used after some time when all ingredients are filled each other and get a little dry. Then it is put on the coal to welcome the guest or for other occasions or reasons:
Bakhoor for ill people.
One of the most common habits to use bakhoor as cure for ill people and also against demons, envy and jealousy. It is known that rooms where medicine are used have specific smell, and than more ill people lay in the bed, than more it effects the smell of the room. So bakhoor is the best way to change this smell.
Bakhoor for Weddings
It is a must on the weddings. Not earlier than one hour before the wedding starts a bakhoor carrier starts going around the halls and guests smoking the atmosphere with bakhoor and splitting perfume and saying salawat* (Greetings) to the Prophet , peace be upon Him : "Allahumma solli w sallem Aleik ya habib Allah Mohammad!"As a reason to avoid jelousy or envy from people by mentioning the Prophet. Saying Salawat to the Prophet on the big occasions considered to be beautiful and good.
Bakhoor for Guests.
"Smoking the guests out" one of the funniest stories that mentioning tradition of using bakhoor for the guests when a host want his guests to leave the house after long seating and getting bored from the conversation he start burning the bakhoor walking around the guests and saying " Khitam misk" which means "Beautiful ending like the smell of bakhoor" and the guests used to reply by saying " Ma baad el oud- gouod" which means "No sitting after the oud (bakhoor)".
The Weight & Price
All best khaleeji perfumes are weighted by units called - Tola. The price varies from the quality of the ingredients. There for the same kind of perfume can be different in the price. For bakhoor the rose oil and oud are one of the most expensive among the ingredients.
Kinds of Dahn el Oud:
Best Oud in Khaleej considered to be from Asam (India) will cost for tola = 11.5 gr about AED 2300 and for 1 kg = AED 25000.
العطور والبخور
أنواع البخور
إذا كان الغوص من أهم مظاهر الحياة في الزمن القديم، واختفى مع مرور الأيام بفضل
تطور المجتمع ، فما زالت بعض مظاهر الحياة في ذلك الوقت، موجودة حتى الآن في بعض
البيوت ، وما زالت هناك بعض الأسر تحرص على التمسك بها، ومن ذلك مثلاً البخور.
والبخور ما زال استعماله شائعاً حتى اليوم في بعض البيوت وقد يحرص البعض على
استعماله كل يوم ويكتفي آخرون بحرقه في المناسبات . وفي الزمن القديم كان البخور
أحد مظاهر الحياة اليومية، بل أكثر من هذا، فإن للبخور أنواع عديدة، ومنها ما
يستعمل بحالته الطبيعية ، كما هو كنابت ، بل أكثر من هذا أن هناك بخوراً خاصة
للنساء وآخر للرجال، وبخوراً لكل مناسبة يختلف عن غيرها. واهتمامهم بالبخور وحرصهم
على استعماله يرجعونه إلى عقيدة إسلامية ، فهو يقولون أن الأنصار لدى خروجهم
لاستقبال الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم عندما وصل المدينة مهاجراً وهم ينشدون طلع
البدر علينا من ثنيات الوداع، كانوا يطلقون البخور ، كتعبير عن فرحتهم وترحيبهم
به، ومن ظاهر هذا الترحيب أن يستقبلونه برائحة عطرة. ولهذا فإن استخدام البخور
يرتبط في الأذهان بذكر الرسول عليه الصلاة والسلام. والبخور للرجال يقتصر عادة على
حرق العود وحده، وتستخدم له المباخر المصنوعة من الفخار ، ومازال هذا النوع من
المباخر يستعمل حتى الآن في بعض المناسبات، وإن كان الشائع استعمال المباخر
المصنوعة من النحاس. والعود عادة يستورد من الهند، ويحرص الرجال على التطيب به في
الأعياد وقبل الخروج للصلاة وعند الزيارة. أما النساء فيستخدمن نوعاً من البخور
اسمه الدخون. ومعظم النساء يتفنن في صناعة الدخون ويعرفن جيداً مكوناتها ونسب كل
منها، فالدخون تصنعه النساء من عجينة مكونة من سجا العود والمسك والعنبر ، تخلط
ماص وتعجن، وتشكل على شكل أقراص مستدرة، توضع في الخوص وتعلق عليها الثياب لتظل
الرائحة عالقة بها دائماً ، حتى بعد غسلها. وهذا لا يمنع أن تحرص المرأة على حرق
البخور في البيت كل مساء.
البخور للمريض
من العادات الشائعة لاستعمال البخور ، حرقه في حالة المرض، وترجع هذه العادة إلى
اعتقاد آخر بأن رائحة البخور الذكية تطرد الشياطين ، وتذهب الحسد فيشفى المريض،
ولكن هناك اعتقاداً آخر لإطلاق البخور في غرفة المريض، وربما أكثر موضوعية، يرجع
إلى أن طول رقاد المريض على فراش المرض يؤثر على رائحة الغرفة، والبخور أفضل وسيلة
لتغيير هذه الرائحة. ويستعمل البخور أيضاً في حفلات العرس، فلا تكاد تمضي ساعة حتى
يطوف حملة المباخر، بالمدعويين ينشرون بينهم الدخان العطر وهم يرددون الصالة على
النبي .
البخور للضيوف
ومن أطرف ما يروى عن تقاليد استعمال البخور، أنه إذا ضاق صاحب البيت بزواره بعد أن
طالت فترة زيارتهم أو مل حديثهم، فإنه يهرع إلى المبخرة، ويشتعل فيها المسك ويطوف
عليهم متمتماً » ختام مسك « فينهض الضيوف للانصراف ، فالقول الشائع بينهم هو » ما
بعود العود قعود « .
يعتبر البخور والدخان أشياء أساسية وضرورية في البيت العربي، وهي أنواع كثيرة منها
الحست والعنبر والمسك والحبوب ، ودخون العود على سبيل المثال تصنع بطحن العود ثم
إضافة المسك ودهن الورد إليه ، ثم يعجن مع مجموعة من العطور ويضاف إليها العنبر،
وتشكل على هيئة أقراص وتستخدم بعد أن تجف، أما البخور فعادة ما يكون من العود
ويوضع مع الفحم المشتعل لتحية الضيوف .
وزن البخور
توزن معظم العطور الخليجية الجيدة بوحدة زينة تسمى التولة، ويختلف سعرها من عطر
لآخر حتى النوع الواحد يختلف ثمنه حسب النوعية، ودهن العود ودهن الورد من أغلى
1.Prepare all ingredients
T سحال* Sahal powder oud
(by two fanjan(arabic coffe cups
then add
parts of the sugar powder
add 3/4 parts of MISK powder
mix sahal misk and sugar powder well together
three spoons
each spoon in its own place
mix all well together
Add attar/perfume 6 spoons
tree by two times.
add pure rose oil
Add SKAP سكاب*
two spoons
mix well and form the balls
one ball- about 12 gramm
once all done, store in the room temperature for about 3 days. After that put them in box or cover with alluminium folia and place in fridge .
. now you can burn it on the coal or electric mabkhora.The best will be special coal that has no any own smell and can give reach of bakhoor scent smoke
Some little quantity of bakhoor placed over the coal itself
. Presentation of making Bakhoor is done by A.Al Shamsi and her own private company Daaj, Dubai.exclusively for
: For orders of Bakhoor and perfume please order through WatsApp or BBM
: For orders of Bakhoor and perfume please order through WatsApp or BBM
March 9, 2012
5 Gorgeous khaleeji eye-liners types
I am so delighted to share with you this so exclusive made just for you Khaleejia’s life readers and followers 5 gorgeous types of khaleeji makeup eyeliners-just as good as for everyday as for party event or photography session. You choose and enjoy!
The makeup done by one very talented, based in Dubai makeup artist who used to work for VIP ladies and you gonna know about her more in my nearest post.
I gave each of type some names or descriptions to let you better understand their beauty.
Here we go..
1.Classic eye of gazelle.
2. Classic with open inner arrows
3. extravagant Falcon eye
4. khaleeji lines & shades5. Alwani or colorful eyeliners
Plz comment and share your opinion. One more good news..more types will be made soon so to be continued.
The makeup done by one very talented, based in Dubai makeup artist who used to work for VIP ladies and you gonna know about her more in my nearest post.
I gave each of type some names or descriptions to let you better understand their beauty.
Here we go..
1.Classic eye of gazelle.
2. Classic with open inner arrows
3. extravagant Falcon eye
4. khaleeji lines & shades5. Alwani or colorful eyeliners
Plz comment and share your opinion. One more good news..more types will be made soon so to be continued.
February 11, 2012
Khaleeji makeup classic arrows(Tutorial)
This is classic yet modernized khaleeji makeup with one common feature- inner&out arrows, that give to it more charm. Eyes look unique and bigger, that is the main target. I think it will find its fans :) specially as “The actual hit in the fashion make-up of spring-summer 2012 – the arrow. Eyes on the catwalk models look like the eastern beauties.”
Note: the basic eye-shadow color can vary.
Before & After look
With love from Khaleejia :*
Note: the basic eye-shadow color can vary.
Before & After look
With love from Khaleejia :*
Dubai girls' style Make-up
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