Khaleejia said:
منى عبدالكريم، مصممة إماراتية ولدت في الدينمارك وهي تملك الآن علامة تجارية خاصة بها تحت مسمى أميرات الخليج والخاصة بالعباءات. شقت منى طريقها في عالم الأزياء بعد دراستها إدارة الإعمال.
مدونة الخليجية تواجدت في عرض الافتتاح الخاص للمجموعة الجديدة لتصاميم المبدعتان منى عبدالكريم وميغان.
عند دخولنا قاعة العرض دهشنا بطريقة العرض حيث كانت العارضات يتوسطن ساحة العرض مما سمح للحضور من الاقتراب ومشاهدة العباءات عن قرب وحتى لمس القماش. وكل عارضة تقوم بالالتفاف والدوران لكي يتم مشاهدة العباءة بطريقة مبتكرة. وقد أخبرتنا ميغان بأن هذه الطريقة مستوحاه من أمريكا وهي آخر طرق العرض في صيحات الموضى.
استطاعت صديقتي عائشة بأن تسأل منى عن قصة إلتحاقها في مجال تصميم العباءات وأخبرتها لقد درست إدارة الأعمال وأستهوتني فكرة عمل مشروع خاص بي وعند الإنتهاء من الجامعة قررت خوض مجال التصميم لأنني إماراتية وفي المحيط العام نرتدي العباءة باستمرار وشدني تصميم العباءات على نطاق العائلة ولكن بطريقة مبتكرة وجديدة. وفي البداية قمت يتصميم تشكيلة محدودة ودعوة القريبين للعرض وبفضل تشجيعهم ومساندتهم قررت التقدم والتوسع في العمل لشريحة أكبر فقمت بدعوة الأصدقاء والجمهور فلاقت تصاميمي استحسان المدعوين وأثنوا على العمل.
وبفضل من الله وبسبب تخصصي في مجال إدارة الأعمال استطعت أن أدير المشروع بشكل جيد لأن أثناء الدراسة قمت بتعلم وإلمام جميع نواحي الإدارة ابتداءً من المحاسبة والتسويق ولغاية إدارة الموظفين ولا أخفيك سراً بأن عالم التصميم لايتعلق الأمر فقط بالتصميم وإنما بكل ماذكر.
وبعدها قمنا بالتجول والحديث مع الحضور والتي اختلفت جنسياتهم وأعمارهم وجميعهم أعربوا عن إعجابهم بالعرض وبخاصة كريستينا التي أعجبت بالإكسسوارات المصاحبة للعباءات وقالت بأنها غريبة وجريئة وهي على استعداد لإرتداء أحد العباءات لأنها تناسب الجميع. وجميل أن نرى في الإمارات بأن هنالك مصميين جريئين مثل منى والتي تستطيع أن تجمع بين الأصالة والحضارة.
Mona Abdul Karim, an Emirati born in Denmark, created her own brand “Gulf Princess” after majoring in management and graduating from university with a Bachelor in Business Administration. The brand is getting more and more popularity all over UAE.
Me and my friend Afra Matar were cordially invited to her Front Row Abaya Fashion Show "THE HEIRESS", in Capital Club, Dubai, where I had a chance to ask Mona about her career as a designer and what was behind the scene while creating her Autumn/Winter 2013 collection that she did in collaboration with a talented accessory designer- Megan Smith from Canada who did her special line of shoe jewelry and body chains using metallic plated colored chains of gold, silver and gun metal with Swarovski elements that adds elegance, style and glamour, under brand Dazzling Straps.
Mona and Megan posing specially for Khaleejia's life readers!
Khaleejia: - Thank you for the Invitation, Mona, we really enjoying seeing you with Megan and your abaya designs. Very unique, brave and beautiful. Though having a master in Business administration what was a reason for you to become an abaya designer?
Mona: - Once I got my degree in business management I wanted to start some business. I already had some addiction to designing. So I decided with abayas as my mother side always wears abayas, I was inspired by them and wanted to do something special. I did my first abayas and was encouraged by my family. They wanted me to continues designing, so I did my first full collection, invited few people, they invited their friends, and all were so impressed, that made me seriously think to start this business.
Management degree really helped me to run it and manage. As in the fashion industry it is not only about the designs , it is about how you gonna market it, control your sales, how to manage accounts, employees and all the aspects of business, to have a full perspective on how the business should run.. I have my PR, sales people, but all are coming back to me at the end of the day. Plus I like it.
Khaleejia:- Mona, before you started designing your last collection, what was your expectation and idea? Did you plan your abayas to be worn here by local ladies, as all this details and accessories are pretty new, or more oriented to the West?
Mona: - Like with this collection it is kind of challenge, but when I met with the jewelry designer, Megan and put a chain on the abaya at the first time, it looked very provocative, so we were scared , but then we put leather, watches, pushed the chain up away from the body. After we did couple designs and invited some people to have a look at them we got a positive response. So we continued working on the collection. Media also was very excited about our collection, as it was very new, edgy, not seen before. So we are very proud to launch it and show to everyone.
And we got some delicious treats... Bloomsbury's when cupcake become an art..
Our pick of the show this gorgeous abaya with spikes and laces:
This abaya was sneaking from us around all the time, but we caught it anyway ;)
Some cool decoration for the shoes we noticed on the model and did not shy to ask to pool their abayas up and let us take some shoes' look photos:
And here we are.. :)
Oh yummy look at those cupcakes they look lush!
ReplyDeleteI'm liking the experimental abayas, leather looks cool in particular I liked the chains on the shoulders.
Minus the snake abaya not a fan of it but i'm not a fan of snakes. I love love love the shoes!
The shoulder and shoe jewelry is cool!
ReplyDeletexO Arezu
beautiful abayas and those chains on the heels are amazing!
Hi girls, cool, you liked them! Megan will be happy to know that her line for shoe chains got most of your likes :)
ReplyDeletewow...amazing is the only word for your abayas.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful abayas and shoes...but just popped in here to say that you are so lovely mashaAllah Khaleejia ♥
ReplyDeleteVery new take on some of the designs and the dessert looks wonderful. :)