I just have finished this pic today and want2share it with you all! hope you’ll like it:))))))
For those who didn’t get the idea of the picture..;) :
We aRe MUSLIM girls! we wear HIjAb and AbAyA tHat are ..yeah –BLaCK and yeah..its cover our beauty ..bUt only from bad eyes of those who are jealous and from the eyes of the men who do not deserve to see it;)
under our BLACK abayas WE have wHite HeaRTs and wear stuff of the WORLD brAnds’ nAmEs ;)
We are open-minded and creative, kind and educated, caring for our families and friends, always giving and taking with pleasure ;)
we love shopping but adore buying things for our beloved;) . we fast daily for one month every year (for religious purpose) & we also pray everyday and ask blessings for our moms and dads cos’ their love to us is something huge and incredible! we pray for all our brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law , fathers-in-law, mothers-in-law, and for anyone else we care - we know that Allah gave us mercy and we have to give more heart to those who are in need;) We enjoy traveling and meeting new people,cos' it brings us new experience, we rare feel shamed but often feel shy. We have some drawbacks but we always work on ourselves to be better and to have more success in life. sure We love trying out different diets but can never resist rice& meat ;) We adore laughing and sharing our good mood and good news with our friends from all over the world! we are very emotional cos’ we feel that emotions make life colorful but we are cautious to show our feelings to strangers. We do not forget the good others do to us but forgive the bad. we are hospitable and generous. surely we are sociable but our homes and families are like our treasure that we do not show to everyone as it's too precious to us and we care about our dignity and the dignity of our family...We love everything that is beautiful, luxurious,chic, fabulous and gorgeous but we DO respect simplicity and traditions...
aNd sOmeTimes…
We love , we hate, we laugh, we cry, we remember, we forget, we talk, we’re completely silent, we’re busy we’re lazy, we drink coffee with cardamon, we drink soda , prefer Mc Donald’s/kentaki to restaurants;) we drive ourselves;)
AND we speak too much:))))))))))
WiTh LoVE frOm kHaLEEjia