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February 13, 2013

IT’SUGAR celebrates the UAE

Khaleejia said: I am so excited about the upcoming private event “IT’SUGAR celebrates the UAE” 13th February. Happy to be invited with VIP guests including prominent Emaratis that are involved in the Art, Media & Fashion.

I like the quiz they did to let lucky one get a  VIP ticket as well:)
I ll be featuring the event so none of you will miss it, stay tuned and Do like the IT’SUGAR MIDDLE EAST Facebook page 

IT'SUGAR MIDDLE EAST is celebrating the UAE by hosting a VIP strict invite party on the 13th Feb.. Lots of UAE food, givaways, entertainment along with UAE Dj Bliss on the decks and our very own Shereen Mitwalli presenting the event. 

SHARE this post PLUS answer the following 3 questions correctly to be invited; Respond in comments below or Private message us your answers!

What does the camels hump store?

What ingredient is found in the Emarati coffee “Gahwa”?

What date was the Burj Khalifa officially opened?

Winners will be announced by Monday 11th Feb... We are so excited!!


  1. congratulations!

  2. Nice, looking forward to the post. I've never heard of itsugar. I remember a hadith that jins sit inside of the hump, maybe there's is also water. :)


will appreciate your kind notes :)