Khaleejia said:
everything new is just well forgotten past,isn't it?!
let us open one more time this discussion that has already become the top topic among muslims and hijabis around the world. Preparing this post i decided to find out back in history since what time women started covering their heads with tall,hump-looking hats or up do's. and now u can see what i have found
So the most antient and famous presenter of this style was the most beautiful Egyptian queen Nefertiti.

the youngest faraon - king Ramthes II look at his crone it makes sence!


then i found those funny looking real conehats that definatly had some meaning for those who wear them:

also that ball-looking hair up-do's as i know now likeness of german kugelhaube or haarhaube(personally don't have idea what is that) were maden only for the adult and married women living in sixteen centure.


All these head-cover styles are met in national costumes of different nations from the east to west since faraonic time.It had different shapes and defenitions but there was someting common that was pursued two objects that was modesty and dignity of that woman who wore it. And of cause it had meaning that woman is from high level and rich;)
next pic.represents slovenian woman dressed for wedding:

European women XVIII-XIX centures

11. Kazakh woman wedding hats so-called saukule

European fest head covers

12. eastern europe woman fashion XVIII-XIX

13. old russian head cover of a bride

14. present time celebrities


16. back to egyptian royal style

17. turkish hijab style (is very popular over there)

18. glam up-do wonder how you could do the same check out this link

this last hat is from collection for summer 2009 designers suggest to dress it with swimm suit on the beach.

So as we see high up-do's exist over 5 thousand years. And till now this feature of head-cover fashion appears everywhere accross the whole world. In ever hairdresser salon you ll get your hair backcombed for almost any up-do.Why?! first-high up do's give some kind of chic & self-confident, some believe that it gives feeling that woman has a good health as people think that she possesses strong and long hair. well for me it is gorgeous and cosy if you don't want to look worse than those who spend hours in the hairdressers and salons. yes i use huge flower clip and feel nice with it that my hair will not go outside my shailah and my shaylah will not slide to the sides. also in case i take my shaylah off i ll still have nice up-do. the only one thing i care is that it should not be too big&too high. i took that opinion as someones thick hair could make same bump. also i do not like when shaylah is too tight to the head that reveal everythng that under it (like turkish hijab in this post) . P.S. plz plz plz whatever i've said over here please consider as it was my private opinion that could bring no use or harm inshallah.
also choosing this style you should know that not everyone in gulf like it. Some locals see it vulgar and funny. I understand them really cause sometimes i myself felt the same when saw over done bun. You can read about such reaction in this bahranian blog the author brought out this problem for open discussion and got a lot of responses. http://erzulie1985.blogspot.com/2007/06/guessing-game-whats-in-her-hijab.html
Also you can check out next link that was written as a rsponse to the same post on hijab fashion