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May 7, 2009


Khaleejia said:
Swarovski criystals that are used to decorate always black khaliji abayas have such a beautifull sparkling that can make any ordinary dress a glamorous gown. But the most attractive thing in khaliji fashion-you don't need to wait an event to look awesome. Everyday brings you opportunity for this as you dress your khaliji style abaya to go out for shopping, visiting your friends, studding, walking, dining out, business, travelling and other purposes.
Look how stunning this Khaleeji abayas with Colored swarovski Rhinestones

And another unbelievable sample of the dimond-like sparkle.


  1. salaams sis,
    Im looking to purchase one of these abaya's and the only place that I know that sells them online is and they are sold out of most of them. Where can I find one of these abaya's online?

  2. i think you can find such abayas over facebook groups of new designers from gulf who propose their abaya-artworks for online purchasing. may be some girls who have expirience in it could give you more info abt such sites,as i have never looked for buying abaya online. if i ll see smth ll catch it for u.

  3. Salam Khaleejia, I am Alua18, the designer of the Abayas and license plate videos you posted. I don't mind that you posted them, I just wanted to tell you to please inform anyone who asks about these particular or similar Abayas, I have a new upcoming line coming in 2 months inshallah, and I would appreciate it if you could refer them to User name Alua18. Thanks!

  4. Hello for all the people here...
    Abayas is to take men's eyes of you and you're being very "artistic" decorating these abayas..


will appreciate your kind notes :)